Showing posts with label Stream Intermediate Operations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stream Intermediate Operations. Show all posts

Saturday 24 June 2023

What are the terminal and intermediate operations in java streams?

 In Java streams, intermediate and terminal operations are the two main types of operations that can be performed on a stream.

  1. Intermediate Operations:
  2. Intermediate operations are operations that are applied to a stream and produce a new stream as a result. These operations are typically used for transforming, filtering, or sorting the elements of a stream. Intermediate operations are lazy, meaning they are not executed until a terminal operation is invoked on the stream.

Some common intermediate operations in Java streams include:

  • map: Applies a function to each element and transforms it into another type.
  • filter: Filters out elements based on a specified condition.
  • sorted: Sorts the elements of the stream based on a comparator.
  • distinct: Removes duplicate elements from the stream.
  • limit: Limits the number of elements in the stream to a specified size.
  • flatMap: Transforms each element into a stream and flattens the result.
  1. Terminal Operations:
  2. Terminal operations are operations that are applied to a stream and produce a non-stream result, such as a value, a collection, or a side effect. When a terminal operation is invoked, the intermediate operations are executed on the stream elements to produce the final result.

Some common terminal operations in Java streams include:

  • forEach: Performs an action on each element of the stream.
  • collect: Collects the elements of the stream into a collection or a single value.
  • reduce: Combines the elements of the stream into a single value using a specified operation.
  • count: Returns the count of elements in the stream.
  • anyMatch, allMatch, noneMatch: Check if any, all, or none of the elements satisfy a given condition.
  • min, max: Returns the minimum or maximum element of the stream based on a comparator.

It's important to note that a stream pipeline typically consists of a sequence of intermediate operations followed by a terminal operation. The intermediate operations are executed in a lazy manner, only when the terminal operation is triggered. This lazy evaluation allows for optimized and efficient processing of large data sets.