File handling concept in Java
Java provide package to deal
with the file handling stuffs like creating a file, reading from it and writing
into the file. We can simple do it by importing package in our class
and creating the object of the File class by giving the path (physical path on
the hard drive) of the file as an argument. We can also create the file if it
doesn’t exists on the path given in the argument as shown in the below example
public class demoFile {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
File fl = new File("d://demo.txt");
if(fl.exists())//Checks if the file exists or not
System.out.println("The file is already exists");
System.out.println(fl.canRead()); //Check the read permission of the file or directory
System.out.println(fl.canWrite());//Check the write permission of the file or directory
System.out.println(fl.isFile());//Check the mentioned file is file or not
System.out.println(fl.listFiles());//List all the files in folder(Gives Array)
System.out.println(fl.getPath());//Get the ralative path of the file
System.out.println(fl.getAbsolutePath());//Get the absolute path of the file
System.out.println(fl.delete());//This wil delete the file or directory.
System.out.println("New file is created");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("The exception is :- "+e);
public class demoFile {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
File fl = new File("d://demo.txt");
if(fl.exists())//Checks if the file exists or not
System.out.println("The file is already exists");
System.out.println(fl.canRead()); //Check the read permission of the file or directory
System.out.println(fl.canWrite());//Check the write permission of the file or directory
System.out.println(fl.isFile());//Check the mentioned file is file or not
System.out.println(fl.listFiles());//List all the files in folder(Gives Array)
System.out.println(fl.getPath());//Get the ralative path of the file
System.out.println(fl.getAbsolutePath());//Get the absolute path of the file
System.out.println(fl.delete());//This wil delete the file or directory.
System.out.println("New file is created");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("The exception is :- "+e);
Same program can be written to handle directories
public class demoFile1 {
* @param args
public static void
main(String[] args) {
Auto-generated method stub
File fl = new
if(fl.exists())//Checks if the
file exists or not
System.out.println("The Directory is already exists");
System.out.println(fl.canRead()); //Check the read permission of the
file or directory
the write permission of the file or directory
System.out.println(fl.isDirectory());//Check the mentioned file is file
or not
System.out.println(fl.listFiles());//List all the files in folder
System.out.println(fl.getPath());//Get the ralative path of the file
System.out.println(fl.getAbsolutePath());//Get the absolute path of the
wil delete the file or directory.
fl.mkdir(); //Create the new directory
System.out.println("New Directory is created");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("The exception is :- "+e);
If demo.txt does not exists on
the d drive, The first time you run this program it will give message as “New
file is created” but when you run it again it will give message as “The file
already exists” means it created the file on first go.
Now file creation is done, what’s
next. As in real scenario the files are used to store the data so that we can
read them in future. Java is not any exception in this case. Java provides
FileWriter and FileReader classes for this purpose.
public class fileWriterDemo {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
File fl = new File("d://demo1.txt");
char[] ch = new char[500];
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fl);
fw.write("Here is the first line of the file");
fw.append("\nHere is the second line of the file");
FileReader fr = new FileReader(fl);
System.out.println("Size of the file is :- ";
for(char c : ch)
catch(Exception e)
System.out.print("The exception is :- "+e);
Now you must be wondering about the
three methods append (), flush () and close () we used in the program. Let me
clear you that what’s the purpose of these methods.
Append () :- This method will write the data in the file as write method
but at the end of the preexisting data. It saves the already written data and
writes the new data at the end of the file. It can be written in FileWriter
also as:
FileWriter fw = new
FileWriter(fl, true);
It will not over write the file content rather
it always append the content in file.
Flush():- It gives us the surety that everything in buffer is
processed and no data will be lost so before calling the close
method flush() method should be called.
Close ():- File IO operation may take resources of operating systems so
we need to call the close method to free up the resources.
Although the above example used
FileWriter and FileReader classes for writing and reading the data from the
file but these classes are not commonly used these days because of their
limitations .
Limitations of the FileWriter and
FileReader classes
They can only handle the small data
as data need to be written and read character by character.
As you may noticed in above example
that for writing the data into the next line we need to write ‘\n’ this.
The array should be used for reading
the data from the file so its size should be declared in advance which can
result into the loss of memory (if we declare the size bigger than the files data)
or data can be lost (if we declare the size less than the files data).
So here comes the concept of
BufferedReader and BufferedWriter to overcome the limitations of the FileReader
and FileWriter.
What is Serialization in java
Serialization is used to write a
object to a file or the port of some other machine. We can transfer the object
by serializing it. This can be done as in the below example:
We need to implement the Serializable
interface to the class whose object needs to be Serialized as
public class className implements Serializable
and to write the object you should
create the ObjectOutputStream as
FileOutputStream fileOut =
new FileOutputStream("fileName");
ObjectOutputStream out =
new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut);
This process is called Serialization.
This code should be written in
try-catch block and similarly we read the the serialized object again by ObjectInputStream
very useful info!!!