Monday 22 July 2013

What is VarArgs or Variable length Arguments in java?

This is used when we don’t know how much argument should be passed to the Method but this is not a good practice in real time environment as it leads to maintenance problems. TO understand this more clearly please see the example below.

public class demoVarArgs
     void demoMethod(int a)
         System.out.println("One argument demoMethod is called");
     void demoMethod(int a,int b)
         System.out.println("Two argument demoMethod is called");
     void demoMethod(int...a)
         System.out.println("Varible argument demoMethod is called");

     public static void main(String s[])
         demoVarArgs obj = new demoVarArgs();


One argument demoMethod is called
Two argument demoMethod is called
Varible argument demoMethod is called

In the above example there are three demoMethods with one ,two and variable number of arguments and we called the demoMethod by giving one, two and variable number of arguments. When it meets the exact number of argument defined in the method it called that particular method otherwise it always call method with variable number of arguments.

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